Diving & Snorkeling
Scuba Diving – Tarawa & Neighbouring Gilbert Island Atolls
Kukurei Dive is the Gilbert Islands newest dive operator. James Smith is a PADI accredited Dive Master and provides an array of diving both in the Tarawa Lagoon and in locations just off neighbouring atolls. Diving packages can be arranged in conjunction with Ouba Islet Resort & Fishing Lodge. With years of experience in diving the islands of Kiribati, James can ensure you get to see the best of Kiribati’s underwater playground.
For more information contact:
Mr. James Willie Smith,
Managing Director,
Ocean Flower Underwater World Sight Seeing
Phone: (686) 96545 / 92146
Email: kukureidive@gmail.com
Email: jameswillie.smith2@gmail.com
Diving Packages with Ouba Islet Resort & Fishing Lodge, please contact: