Kiribati National Tourism Activity Monitor
The Kiribati National Tourism Activity Monitor (KNTAM) is a key tool in interpreting the contribution made by visitors and travellers to the Republic of Kiribati. The Monitor evaluates a number of key statistics derived either from the Ministry of Immigration data on arrival and Visitor Satisfaction Surveys that are undertaken weekly at Bonriki and Cassidy International Airports totally approximate 50% of total visitation. The KNTAM examines the following areas:
- Visitors profile
- Visitors arrival by market: 2008/2009
- Monthly visitor Numbers: 2008/2009
- Purpose of visit : 2008/2009
- Primary Target age-group; 2010 First quarter survey result
- Visits to Kiribati; 2010 First quarter survey result
- Expectations while in Kiribati; 2010 First quarter survey result
- Returning expectation; 2010 first quarter survey result
- Airline capacity
- Number of hits to KNTO website
- Visitor expenditure; 2010 first quarter survey result